A proud heritage
Originally from Bardi in the Northern Italian hills above Parma, the Conti family "followed the wood" landing in Wales in the 1930s. At that time Italy was selling wood felled from its' forests to help its failing economy. The straight, tall trees made ideal timber for shoring up the then thriving mines of South Wales.
To avoid starvation boys as young as 11 walked with the wood and sang for their supper along the gruelling journey to their new home. Artillio Conti was just 13 when he made the journey.
Treftadaeth balch
Daeth teulu Conti yn wreiddiol o ardal Bardi yn y bryniau uwchben Parma yng ngogledd yr Eidal a chyrraedd Cymru yn y 1930au, gan ddilyn y diwydiant gwerthu pren yn yr Eidal, er mwyn hybu economi’r wlad. Roedd y coed tal syth yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer mwyngloddiau ffyniannus De Cymru.
I osgoi’r newyn, cerddodd llanciau ifanc y ffordd hirbell i’w cartref newydd gan gario’r coed a chanu i ennill eu tamaid. Roeddd Artillio Conti mond yn 13 oed pan gwanith y daith.
The Conti family
The Conti family have thrived in Wales since Artillio arrived in the 1930's, after fleeing starvation in his native Italy. He worked for other Italians who had made the journey before him until he had saved enough money to open his first cafe - in Ystradgynlais with his two brothers.
Between them they succeeded in opening a total of 17 Conti's cafes across South and West Wales.
Sadly, Conti's in Lampeter, West Wales was the last remaining cafe.
Happily it was bought by Jo Conti, who is the Third generation of the Conti family in 2012. Jo and her son Tom, the fourth generation, have worked together to revive the fortunes of the cafe, and restore it to its' former glory. They are partners in the business, with Tom shouldering the responsibility of being the master ice cream maker, and keeper of the secret!
Conti's, having had a re-vamp after a disastrous fire in 2016, have already returned to the thriving local meeting place and hub of the town that it once was, serving wholesome local produce, Conti's world famous multi-award winning ice cream, fabulous cakes and divine coffee.
Since taking over from the old regime in 2012, Conti's has expanded to a second site in Llanerchaeron & their (once only available in Lampeter) ice cream is now in multiple cafes, restaurants & Deli’s across Mid to south wales, to see where you can get a taste of Conti’s check our Wholesale page.
Why not call in for a chat, a coffee and a home made cake next time you're in town?
Y Teulu Conti
Mae teulu Conti wedi ffynnu yng Nghymru ers i Artillio gyrraedd y 1930au, ar ôl ffoi newyn yn yr Eidal. Bu'n gweithio i Eidalwyr eraill, a wnaeth y daith o'i flaen, nes iddo arbed digon o arian i agor ei gaffi cyntaf - yn Ystradgynlais gyda'i ddau frawd.
Rhyngddynt llwyddwyd i agor 17 caffi Conti's ar draws De a Gorllewin Cymru.
Yn anffodus, Conti's yn Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Gorllewin Cymru yw'r caffi olaf ar ôl bellach.
Mae Jo Conti erbyn hyn wedi prynu'r caffi, ac mae Jo yn pedwaredd genhedlaeth o deulu Conti. Mae Jo a'i mab Tom, y pumed genhedlaeth, yn gobeithio adfywio ffortiwn y caffi a oedd wedi colli apêl, a'i adfer i'w 'hen ogoniant. Maent yn bartneriaid yn y busnes, gyda Tom yn ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb o fod yn wneuthurwr hufen iâ, a cheidwad cyfrinach y rysáit!
Mae Conti 's wedi cael newydd wedd yn dilyn tân trychinebus, ac eisoes wedi dychwelyd i fod yn le cyfarfod lleol ffyniannus a chanolbwynt y dref unwaith eto, gan weini cynnyrch lleol iachus, hufen iâ conti sydd wedi ennill aml-arobryn a choffi gwych.
Ers cymryd drosodd o'r hen gyfundrefn yn 2012, mae Conti's wedi ehangu i safleoedd eraill yn Llanerchaeron ac Aberaeron.
Beth am alw i mewn am sgwrs, coffi a chacen cartref y tro nesaf rydych chi yn y dref?