Welcome to Lampeter
We've been at the heart of Lampeter since the early 1930's and weathered all the changes that history has thrown at us.
Our ethos here at Conti's is to provide outstanding quality across the board; from the friendly atmosphere, to our menus that use the best of local produce, and our service - not forgetting our sublime, world renowned ice cream.
Conti's has a quirky, comfortable vibe that welcomes everyone in.
With unlimited free WiFi for customers, it's a great stop for either a quick coffee or a longer, relaxed meal.
Croeso i Llambed
Yn ganolog i fywyd Llambed ers y 1930au, mae Conti's wedi goresgyn amser a holl newidiadau hanes y dref. Rydym dal i fod yn ganolbwynt yn y gymuned.
Ein prif amcan yma yn Conti's yw darparu ansawdd rhagorol o'r awyrgylch cyfeillgar, i'r fwydlen, a'n gwasanaeth - heb anghofio ein hufen iâ byd enwog. Cewch groeso cynnes yno bob amser.
Gweinwn brydau wedi'u paratoi'n ffres, gan ddefnyddio cyflenwyr lleol os yn bosib.
Gyda wifi am ddim ar gyfer cwsmeriaid, dyma le perffaith ar gyfer coffi bach cyflym neu bryd o fwyd mwy hamddenol.
We serve freshly prepared, made to order breakfasts & lunches.
Our menu comprises of a mouth watering selection of rustic Italian filled ciabattas, traditional Welsh dishes and a choice of delicious desserts which feature our multi award winning ice cream which we have been making in Lampeter since the 1940’s.
We strive to use the best of the abundance of fantastic local producers in Ceredigion, some examples of these are:
Our meats are sourced from the family run butchers, Simon Hall Meats, situated a few doors down from ourselves.
Our cakes are locally sourced from the lovely Gwen at Siop Caccenau Gwen in Tregaron & we have some wonderful Non gluten containing cakes baked by Ceinwen at Fabulously_Free baised in Llanarth
Rydym yn darparu prydau bwyd a byrbrydau ysgafn wedi eu paratoi yn ffres gan ddefnyddio'r cynyrch gorau lleol yng Ngheredigion.
Daw ein cig o'r cigydd teuluol, Simon Hall Meats, a leolir ychydig o ddrysau i lawr ar Stryd y Coleg.
Mae Coed Farm, Cilau Aeron, yn darparu'r wyau mwyaf blasus a ddefnyddir ar gyfer ein brecwast a llawer o brydau ar ein bwydlen.
Our barista made coffees can be made specifically to your tastes on ordering. we’re delighted to be using the fantastic Extract Coffee Roasters from Bristol who’s ethically sourced beans make for a beautiful cup of coffee.
For more information on them please head to https://extractcoffee.co.uk/about-us/
All our coffees are made with whole milk as standard but can be substituted with Skinny, Soya or Oat milk. Decaff is also available on request.
The wonderful Murrough's Welsh Brew Tea provides all our cafes with their breakfast tea while our herbals are supplied by Extract.
Mae ein coffi barista yn defnyddio ffa Extract Coffi Roasters. Rydym yn gallu creu coffi penodol at eich chwaeth pan byddwch yn archebu.
Gwneir pob coffi gyda llaeth cyflawn fel safon, ond gellir ei newid i gynnwys llaeth hanner sgim, neu soia organig. Mae coffi Decaff neu instant ar gael hefyd ar gais.
Te Cymreig brecwast gwych Murrough sydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn ein holl gaffis.
Conti's Café
5 Harford Square
Wales, UK
t: (UK) 01570 422 223.
e: info(at)contisicecream(dot)com
Opening Times
Monday / Llun CLOSED / AR GAU
Tuesday / Mawrth CLOSED / AR GAU
Wednesday / Mercher 10.00am - 4.30pm
Thursday / Iau 10.00am - 4.30pm
Friday / Gwener 10.00am - 4.30pm
Saturday / Sadwrn 10.00am - 4.30pm
Sunday / Sul CLOSED / AR GAU
Bank Holidays / Gwyl y Banc CLOSED / AR GAU