Fun facts ... Did you know ...?
Photo courtesy of Florencia Viadana
In America, the end of the second World War was celebrated with ice cream!
There is a fruit grown in Hawaii called the ice cream bean which tastes just like Vanilla ice cream!
In Italy the first ice cream ( known as Gelato), appeared in the 1600’s. In Italy, there are now over 19,000 ice cream parlours, employing more than 69,000 people.
America made ice cream for it’s troops during World War II as a morale booster . After this, the world saw ice cream as a perfect summer-time treat.
Popular Ice cream flavours in Tokyo include Octopus, Shrimp, Horse Flesh and Cow’s Tongue!
Chocolate sauce is the most popular ice cream topping worldwide.
It is reputed that King Charles 1 paid his chef £500 to keep his ice cream recipe a secret.
In the UK, ice cream vans can only play their chimes between the hours of 12pm to 7 pm.
A dairy cow can produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream!
The State of California produces the most ice cream in America, which, in turn, has the largest global consumption of ice cream, closely followed by Australia.
90% of American households eat ice cream. Statistics show that, on average each American eats 48 pints of ice cream per year.
Europe was introduced to ice cream in late 13th century when Marko Polo returned to Italy from his travels in China.
Before this it is noted that Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow, flavoured with nectar and honey.
Ice cream came to North America 250 years after it was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
A mixture of frozen milk and rice was used in China to make ice cream circa 200 BC.
More Ice cream is sold on Sundays than any other day of the week.