Whoever the kind people were that came to Grampa Conti's rescue ...
photo courtesy of Tucker Good
On the morning of 15th February, 2020, at around 8 am, Grampa Conti was blown off his mobility scooter during the howling gales. The mobility scooter then did the exact opposite of it’s main purpose, and fell on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
You may well ask, what the hell was he doing on a mobility scooter at 8am during a storm? Indeed … we’ve been asking ourselves the same thing.
Anyway … some very kind souls with a white van stopped, unpinned him from the road and took him, and his very heavy mobility scooter home.
This was an act of great kindness.
Obviously, he doesn’t know who you are (he doesn’t really know who anyone is) … but, it’s not something you’d have forgotten about, so you’ll know who you are!
PLEASE come to the cafe in Lampeter, for a culinary reward. .. ask for Heulwen.
We would like some details, of the incident … if you don’t mind… otherwise other folks could claim to be you :)
But THANK YOU, whoever you are. We’d love to meet you in person(s) to say thanks, so please don’t be shy!
He’s extremely hardy for a 91 year old, still very sore, but recovering, slowly!
And the moral of this story is …